Thursday 25 October 2012


One of the highlights of the day was definitely the drama performance put up by some of our friends!

The cast from the Drama Group

 Before the D-day, our fellow actors from the drama group spent hours on rehearsals just to present an awesome performance for us! Let's take a peek behind the scenes!!

Ibu Indrianti coaching our fellow teman-teman on acting!

On the D-day, the drama group put up an awesome skit that depicts the modern day Indonesian cinderella. The story revolved around a tampan prince who met this cantik lady who had three other siblings.  While searching for her true love, they also met a crab along the way. The skit ended with the popular dance of Oppa Gangnam Style which gained waves of laughter.

And the drama unveils...

The tampan prince

Our cantik Cinderella (left) and her three siblings

The extremely entertaining kepiting


And it all ended with fun and laughter..

So how was the skit? Bagus sekali ya? For those who haven't got enough of the skit, here's another opportunity to catch it!

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