Thursday 25 October 2012

It's the D-day!

After months of preparation, the big day was finally here !

On 13 October 2012 (Friday), everyone in the Bahasa Indonesia LAB1201 class had the opportunity to put whatever they have learnt from the module into action! Since 4pm, the Logistics group members started the decoration of the venue and set up the resources that were needed for the event, such as lightings, IT preparation as well as setting up the video cameras for filming. 

Take a look at the decoration at the D-day venue (LT8)! Cantik ya? Thanks to all from the logistics team who made an effort in beautifying the venue on D-Day! Terima kasih ya!

In the process of decorating the banner

Final product on display!

Banner group, Terima Kasih ya!

Different performance groups had also gathered to rehearse for the event while the memasak groups displayed their freshly cooked cuisines on the dining table! 

Marks the start of the event

Our Master of Ceremony commences the event

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